F-layout or F-pattern. Over time viewing patterns can appear, particularly with the left to right reading. People (in the west) generally look from left to right. You can make this work to your advantage on your website.
A Landing Page is a unique page someone “lands” after clicking on a search result, inbound link, call to action or advert. Find out how to create one.
So what does negative space mean in relation to WordPress website design? Breath, just breath. Giving your content room to breath and giving your visitors the space to view what they need will improve the performance of your WordPress website.
I know you can and should be selling more from your WooCommerce website. Your stand alone WordPress store can sell more. With the right thought processes, consistency and long-term strategy in place, you can create a profitable online store and build your business online.
#1 Limiting choices. First of a set of 10 articles focusing on web design principles to incorporate into your WordPress website design project.
Find out the low-down from WordCamp London 2019 and how attending affects the impact of the WordPress training I provide to you.
WordPress now powers over 1/3rd of the top 10 million sites on the web. WordPress is statistically the most successful content platform on the web. Why is this good for you?
This is part 3 of a 3 part series to help you get more sales from your WordPress online store. One of the most asked questions during my regular Newcastle based WordPress training sessions.
Template WordPress websites are everywhere, you can easily download a template and create an instant website. However, you will find there is always more to website creation that templates.
This is part 2 of a 3 part series to help you get more sales from your WordPress online store. One of the most asked questions during my regular Newcastle based WordPress training sessions.